
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bitch to Barbie

Just a quick degradation caption. With a surprisingly happy ending, at least for one of my captions.

This was going to be a short story, with a few more pictures showing Barbie progress from executive to heavy laborer. I've had to really edit it down to fit in a caption. I still might write the story though, eventually. Slow-burn degradation stories are kind of hard to find online.


  1. "Slow-burn degradation stories are kind of hard to find online."

    And some of us perverts can't get enough of them. :{ )

    Another thing I can;t get enough of is images / captions / stories on the theme of "Taming a Tomboy" -- I love the idea of tricking / blackmailing / coercing a bratty chick who thinks she's so tough into becoming a humble and obedient "good girl". I have a few I have found and captioned (you have seen them, over at that Yahoo group). I will likely be giving this image a totally different caption soon -- meanwhile, do you have any plans of your own for a spunky tomboy's downfall...?

    1. Thanks for your comment.

      Your question got me thinking and I just made another cap that I think might qualify as "taming a tomboy". However, I wouldn't say that the protagonist becomes a "good girl" exactly. So this might not really hit your buttons exactly. I originally intended to try to fit your theme more exactly, but I just sort of let the picture take the story where it wanted to go. And it went somewhere a bit different. Still, hopefully you'll enjoy it anyway.

      I'll post it in a moment or two.

  2. I'm new to your site and love it! This is my fav. I love the women who end up with different bodies and it's pretty hot this one is so big but still natural. haha. Keep up the good work!

  3. As a PAWG lover, I love this cap! but Barbie? she looks like more a Bertha or Betty Butt. A wonderfully sweet story of making everything right with the world.

    1. I've been holding back a great pic that would make a good sequel to this. If I can think up another little chapter in this tale, I'll make it. I might even be able to work in a slight name change. I'm thinking something like Buffy.

      Oh, and thanks for commenting on an older caption. I worry sometimes that people aren't seeing the caps that aren't on the front page. :)

      - B-Rex

  4. A sequel to this would be divine. I think the whole concept mixed with the PAWG transformation needs further exploration. Something about an emaciated career bitch being turned into a happy healthy sized hausfrau is just lovely.
