
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sai What?

This is probably my most colorful caption yet!

This is about as close as I'm likely to get to making a Steffimariechen Caption, even though it features neither Crossdressing nor a redhead. Some of my very favorite captions from Steffi were centered around people trapped in costumes at various comic conventions. And I have a very odd fetish for people being glued into outfits. Glue in general, actually. Weird. Anyway, hope you all enjoy it.

I'm kind of thinking that this might be theme to return to; an escalating prank war between the GEK and EZ sororities. I've got endless image material and tons of ideas for nasty, humiliating pranks. Everything from bondage, to forced tattooing.

So I need to know, is anyone interested?


  1. I actually have a can't remember it but have you ever gone to sticky site it is down right now but your text totally reminded me of it here is link to it

  2. I used to visit there frequently, but haven't in long while. I remember a story in the forums that I enjoyed considerably, about two super wealthy models getting glued in humiliating positions in front of their hired help.

    It was quite fun.

    - B-Rex

    1. Do you remember where this forum was?

    2. It was a website called "sticky-site", a sort of glue-fetish site, but I think it's been dead for five or six years now, sadly. Most of the art is on deviantart by now, but I have no idea where the forum stories would've ended up. Sorry.

      - B-Rex

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Crap! I'm so sorry Alyssa! I was playing around on my Iphone and accidentally removed your comment! I remember it though. I have been saving up a few good tattooing pics for a while, along with a ton of weird and hopefully interesting pics to use for a rainy day. I can make a bunch of captions for the Sorority Prank War 2012! I wasn't actually going to start with forced tattooing right off the bat, but a fun idea hit me on the way home...

      I'm super busy this whole weekend, but I've got Monday off so I hope to be able to do a whole lot of captions then. I will try to get the first cap up sometime in the next day or so, and I think it will feature forced tattooing.


    2. I found you comment intact in my gmail account! Yay! Now I don't feel so bad!

      Forced tattooing is hot. Make it happen! ^_^

  4. Q: "[I]s anyone interested?"

    A: Yes.

    Forced tattooing as a "prank"? Dear me, could that ever lead to an escalating series of events.... ((O_O))

  5. B-Rex, would you consider forced haircuts/hair dyes/perms too?

    so many ways too change a snooty career ladies image ;)
