
Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Here's another quick cap, one of my very rare magical captions. Very anal oriented, though.

I'm going to try to post a cap-a-day, to try and jump start my muse again. I've got another one ready for tomorrow, already.

I've also spent the weekend pushing through my writer's block, and am now almost done with a new ebook. This will be a Gender Transformation book. The story is sort of a mix of my Princess Caption Series and the Present Caption Series, but with several surgical body modifications. Though it contains no tattooing or piercings, it's written along the same basic story structure as my Amy's Whore Makeover ebook.

Hopefully people will enjoy the transformation ideas, though several of the ideas were already involved in the aforementioned captions series. Should be up in another day or two, weather permitting.


  1. I am enjoying your current short captions, a new one every day, nice :)

  2. Although I don't like magical based stories or captiones, this one I enjoyed =)

  3. Not an anal fan personally, but this was still creative and interesting like most/all of your captions that you post here. :) I continue looking forward to all of your future creations.

  4. Like Meisa, not an anal fan but I quite liked it. Very creative and intresting. Looking forward to seeing your next caption

  5. Not bad for magical anal vegetable porn ; }

  6. This caption doesn't do much for me. Amusing and original idea(if anything, you don't see phallic things going OUT OF people's asses in captions like these :P), but... eh. So I'll just say I'm pretty happy at the prospect of daily captions from you! ^^ Hope this works for ya, and we'll sure be amused along the way!

  7. If one was efficient I think you could make a decent wage as a cucumber salesman
