
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Guest Post: Community Service and Little Bitches Club by Bondage_Barbie_Doll

Hello everyone! Today I'm sharing two more captions made by Bondage_Barbie_Doll. Her Little Bitches Club is a spin-off of my old Double Dog Dare Club captions, and she is currently working on a sequel/followup. I'm pretty sure she sent me another caption as well, but I can't seem to find it at the moment.

Anyway, as always, be sure to let her know what you think of her caps by leaving a comment below.

And I'll be posting yet more guest captions, this time from Dame Maree, in the near future. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoys the new caps.

- B-Rex


  1. Always LOVE Barbie's captions! Thanks, sweetie!!

  2. Two fun captions from Barbie, both works as a one-shot for imaginations to run wild with or as the start of a series.

  3. Nice! Fun reads, the first is probable my favorite of the two. What happens is just great and the way the judge phrased it along with her arguing seems like it would make it difficult for Miss Dahl to formally protest it without seeming like she thinks the punishment is beneath her.

  4. Love the LBC. Nice to have a lower stakes application for the higher club.

  5. Really fun concept; I love the setup and the humiliating clothing :)
