
Monday, November 30, 2015


Well this is a bad way to start the month but I have just burned my hand quite severely pulling something out of the oven. Not yet sure how basd the burn really is. My entire thumb is throbbing amd the whole side of my index finger is blistering. I am holding a bag of ice at the moment seems to be helping a bit. Typing is painfully slow with one hand. So no caps for a while. Vedrina sent me some guest caps yesterday by pure chance and I'll start posting them this week. If anyone wants to send me any gift caps of your own to post feel free. Would help me keep this blog active. Sorry for the delay q and tina Maree on your prizes again. first Thanksgiving now this. Hopefully it wont be as bad as it looks/feels right now and I'll b back to normal in a few days.


  1. I hope that your hand feels better soon.

  2. Bad luck i hope your hand heals soon.

  3. Sorry to hear about the injury! Get well soon!

  4. So sorry to hear that. I hope the pain doesn't linger too much more. Have a good rest.

  5. Horribly sorry about your hand, hope you're starting to feel better.

  6. Oh noes, Rex! D: Best wishes for you, honey! Get yourself patched up and have a nice end of year! :]

  7. How very unfortunate.

    And here I was whining because my laptop had died....
