
Friday, December 4, 2015

Guest Post: The Island #2 by Vedrina

As promised, here's the second part in Vedrina's series, with some of the bimbofication beginning. Please enjoy! :-)

Third part to come tomorrow. Vedrina hasn't sent me any more yet, so that might be it for a bit. I'm working slowly on a cap or two of my own, but again, if you want to send me some caps of your own to Guest post, feel free.

Also, an update on my burns; the numbness continues in my thumb and at least two spots on the inside of my index finger, but the burned area on my middle finger seems no longer numb or at least not very much. So hopefully the other areas will also improve as they heal. The thumb is my biggest worry at the moment, as the burn area is very numb, even when I prick it with a needle. But I've had worse injuries before and regained feeling, so I'm hopeful.

Oh, and I've updated Humbled Harlots with full links to my new ebook. Sort of forgot to do that with everything that's going on right now in real life. Happy Friday everyone, stay safe and best wishes.

- B-Rex

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