
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Gift Post: BTX by Bondage Barbie Doll

Happy Humpday, everybody! Bondage Barbie Doll sent in a pledge hazing cap, with a snowy theme, just in time for the tail end of winter. ;-)

I'm working on some new caps of my own, which hopefully will be up soon as well. Thanks to everyone for being patient with me, just so much real-life stuff coming up on me all at once. And for leaving comments on the last post for Dame Maree (and hopefully on this one as well, for Barbie). :-)

- B-Rex


  1. Wicked. A sorority/fraternity hazing is a bit like one of those psychological experiments, isn't it? Once you have the victim inside a controlled environment, you can get them to do all manner of things with a simple command.
    So much power, in the hands of pampered rich brats . . . .

    1. I know, its a fun set up. One of the hardest things about coming up with scenario's like this is thinking of a logical reason why the person would go through with it, have got forced with my GEK games series, so wanted to try voluntary too. How far people would be willing to go knowing the benefits that await them if they stick with it! :)

  2. Owch! Given that I live in a frigid area I kinda empathize with Barbie...but at the same time, I have to give you props for a fun set up. Great work on the story, it fits beautifully with that image. You've got a real talent for these sorority pranks (although I admit, my favorite of yours is still GEK games 3).

    1. Thanks, nice to hear that people think they work :) Pranks and things are a big interest of mine, though my own educational days weren't quite this wild ;) Glad you liked the GEK Games 3, I hear the Beaverhole chess club were big fans of that one too.......

  3. Very much ouch XD But very cute and mean, both of which I like

    1. Glad you like it! cute and mean are things I like too! Loved your caps too :)

  4. Glad people like them, I always worry people wont since I know mine aren't as extreme as the ideas Rex comes up with! Do love sorority type caps, and pranks, I think because I can easily imagine myself in those predicaments. I have a few more ideas, both for the pledges of the BTX, and a couple more GEK games. Also have a few other ideas for other captions too, so there might be a few more from me soon, hope thats ok with everyone!
