
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

A Bit Awkward

Greetings, everyone! Happy Humpday!

Sorry for the lack of posts again, I've hit a bit of a writing block lately. I have been writing captions, around an even dozen of them just this past two weeks in fact, but I keep getting stuck near the end. I have all these fun ideas/premises, but the endings just aren't quite popping the way I want. Not sure what the issue is.

I've spent hours on some of them, including morphing some of the images, but the captions just lack that snappiness I like. Sucks to spend all that time and not have something to show for it, but I'd rather not start posting half-way finished captions, just to have something to post.

Not really sure what to do to keep this blog updated more frequently, though. Would just posting pics and my caption-premise work, or seem too minimal/pointless? I've got hundreds of ideas written down, and a picture for nearly each of them.

Anyway, I did manage to finish today's cap, though even here I had to cut back a lot. This was actually a short-story I started writing a few years ago, and never finished. This is a sort-of a very abridged version of that, but I think it works well enough on its own here.

Also, Doctor Psycho has sent me several new captions with a mature/older-woman theme, that I'll post tomorrow. And hopefully I'll figure out a better ending for some of my new caps and have them posted soon too.

Thanks for being patient with me, everyone. I know this place has been a veritable ghost town lately. Maybe I should try changing things up, maybe setting a specific day each week to post new caps, that way I don't feel rushed to put things out as soon as I finish something? Any thoughts, suggestions, whatever, would be greatly appreciated. :-)

- B-Rex


  1. First off, nice to hear from you! Outside of the writer's block I hope everything has been going well.

    Have you considered doing any caption contests? If you have a bunch of morphs you've been working on, I think that could be really fun and maybe help you think up some fun ideas for endings :)

    1. Hmm... I might try having another caption contest. I still owe a cap for the last one from last year, though, but it's not a bad idea still.

      Have to figure out a theme...

      - B-Rex

  2. I would definitely want you to continue taking however much time it takes to post something that you're happy with, rather than just something hurried for the sake of breaking silence.

    Your endings are typically nice, capping zingers/punchlines to the story that drives the scene home on a strong note, and it's one of the major qualities about them as a whole that makes me a big fan.

    If you're suddenly having trouble coming up with more that feel right, maybe one idea could be to stop and just read back through your old work for a bit, to see if the ends of those captions still feel good to you as well.
    - If they do still feel solid, then try comparing a few random old ones to what you're writing now and see what timing or details they contain that your new ones don't.
    - If even your old ones aren't feeling solid, then it may be that your sense of writing is in the middle of a change and you're looking for some sort of next step/level. If that's the case, then maybe switch story types. Go back to brainstorming possible eBooks for a bit, or try a new narrative style like doing each scene in 1st person from the manipulator's POV and then again from the target's POV.

    Another idea could be that you're just burnt out on finding new ending patterns. In that case, maybe doing a small unofficial (i.e. no mandatory winner/prize) "End The Cap" contest would help. Rather than posting pictures and having us write the entire story, you could pick a few of your unfinished caps that you're lost with and ask us to try finishing them. You could wind up seeing some fresh ideas for endings, or get some feedback about why we favored submitting endings for one story and not another.

    1. Rex, I think Meisa's ideas are good ones.
      One more option that comes to mind is for you to post pictures with three or four possible captions / stories to make of them, and invite followers to write captions.
      I do hope my Amitery (older subbe/younger dom/me) captions will appeal to the others. I look forward to your posting of them.

    2. Very good ideas, Meisa. Particularly, I might try out some 1st Person POV caps, I don't think I've ever done any. Maybe a change of pace like that would help give me a boost.

      The 'End the Cap' contest might work too.

      - B-Rex

  3. My concern with a set date is it might lead to caps your not happy with. Meisa's ideas are better then I could hope to come up with but I would say that I enjoy the endings, they usually add a little kick or something extra to the cap.

    As for the picture, I enjoyed the twists and it is a good picture.

  4. Excellent! You've got to continue this one if possible, maybe she goes for revenge afterward only to fall into her own trap

  5. Great Caption, do love a good tricked predicament!


  6. This is a great caption, I just love these captions where someone finds themselves literally stuck in a tricky predicament, especially when it's tied to a payback or revenge story just as this one is. Keep up the great captions :)
