
Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Locked Keyhole

Greetings everyone, slight change of plans; instead of finishing my Pwned sequel caption, I got in a chastity caption mood, probably from rereading the great captions on Chuckthrill's blog. Though these new caps my count more as predicament bondage....

Haven't done a chastity caption in awhile, so let me know what you think and if you want some more along these lines.

- B-Rex


  1. Great cap
    When does Ro-sham-Bimbo III come out

    1. Glad you liked it.

      RSB3 will be out just as soon as my family (and myself) finally get over this flu bug and I can finish the last round at long last. I'm annoying close; just need a solid week without distractions to deal with, like flu and septic tank issues.

      Since at least Thanksgiving, it has been literally one thing after another, mostly illness. I think I've had both types of flu this go around, and they keep coming back after I think I'm over them. It's been getting me off-track.

      Doesn't help that I keep having new ideas and end up rewriting parts to accommodate them. I've probably rewritten RSB3 enough for three books at this point. On the plus side, lots of spare material for future stories now.

      - B-Rex

    2. I just keep getting more excited for that story all the time! Wonderful to hear that there's overflow now for future pipelines too. Chastity's not my button, but the humiliation details are cute and fun.

  2. What a dastardly humiliation for them both. Yes you well have to do more chastity captions.

  3. Impressively sadistic, especially that punchline. Ouch....

  4. We definitely need a follow up to this one, love the punishment and the aftermath of her having to walk around publicly like that, very clever, must be tough finding a date now

  5. more chastity captions please
