
Monday, March 26, 2018

Guest Post: Chess Club Cheerleaders by Bondage Barbie Doll

Greetings all! I've been busy getting settled into a new job this month, and haven't gotten much work done on captions of my own, but should have some new ones up shortly. A few people have sent me pictures/morphs to caption for them, so I'm working on that at the moment.

In the meantime, here's a pair of predicament bondage captions by Bondage Barbie Doll. We worked on these ages ago, and I never did get around to posting them unfortunately. Who knows, might be the beginnings of another rivalry, like the old EZ vs GEK sorority saga..... ;-)

As always, please let Barbie know what you think of her captions. I've got some ideas for a possible chess club vs cheerleader rivalry caption of my own.

Oh, and also, look forward to some future human doll and mermaid transformation caps from me coming up shortly.

- B-Rex


  1. The idea of Chess Club "uniforms" strikes me as a bit odd, but I'm all in favor of the idea of whoring out cheerleaders on a webcam as a fundraiser.... :-)

    1. I was thinking maybe some shirts emblazened with the club motto and members names. Really though I couldn't think what else the Chess club would need,I can't imagine it needs new sets every year! Glad you liked it though :)

    2. There were never any Chess Club uniforms. Just an excuse to make money :)

  2. The fundraiser is off to such a good start. The football, basketball, and baseball teams need new uniforms as well. Reset the goal to $15,000. Oh and the cheerleaders should get some new ones too. Everyone who contributes can vote on the new style for their uniforms, maybe a short cropped tank top with a 5 inch skirt.
    Would love to see some captions on dear Beaverhole academy.
