
Friday, May 25, 2018


Greetings! Another day, another caption! This one was also written back in February, finally finished and attached to a picture. Quick, simple idea here, but the sort of thing I find fun.

Also, some quick news: Blogger is telling me that some sort of pop-up warning about cookies is supposed to appear when people visit the blog, due to legal changes in the EU.

So please, if anyone can see the warning/disclaimer, let me know in the comments below. I think the blog will get locked or something if the disclaimer doesn't appear, if I'm reading the weird notice Google sent me correctly. And I'll have to make some changes to my widgets or something, as that can interfere with the disclaimer. I think.

- B-Rex


  1. Oooh, now that's a big 'oops' for sure. :)

  2. No, I didn't see the disclaimer.

    The caption was not one of your best, a fairly familiar (ahem) gag), but they can't all be masterpieces.

  3. I do get the cookies warning. I am in the UK. So looks like you are safe. Love the caption. Why would he leave glue in the bathroom? Must have been an accident?

  4. Maybe I got the warning and didn't quite notice, as these cookie warnings have been popping up like everywhere lately :P

    Glad to see your output lately, mister. Best wishes for you!

  5. I like it, simple and fun. Though the name made me reread the whole thing looking for her to 'branded' before it clicked ;)

    Also caught up in thoughts of aftereffects, trying to do her job remotely and a coworker taking credit. An embarrassing airport checkthrough to fly to a hospital/whereever to get the stuff safely removed.

    Maybe her boyfriend leaving her in the care of someone else while he goes and gets the solvent, and coming back to find her halfway trained by said person ;)

    Also embarrassing feeding methods for longer-term stuck in the suit~

  6. I agree with DameMaree, it's a good story and theres wonderful sequel potential -- gag aside, being trapped in vivid fetish gear, especially the hood, really traps her in the house. The loss of status is my favourite of the themes you explore.

    1. Anything she does looks inherently fetishistic, even a car ride to a doctor's office looks like exhibition. People will assume they know what she's into just on a glance.
