
Friday, March 15, 2019

New Ebook

Greetings, all. As promised, my new ebook has been published, titled "As You Wish". [I considered going with "InDjinnUity" but it didn't look right on the cover.]

It hasn't gone live on Amazon or Barnes&Noble just yet, probably by Sunday it'll be available there, but it is already live at Smashwords:

The story ended up a bit longer once I finished my last edit, and I also added a second short story about a woman dealing with a body-altering curse, which brings the entire ebook to a little over 10,000 words long. So you get two stories for the price of one, and at a fair length altogether.

Incidentally, the second story is heavily inspired by a certain Chrystal Wynd story, that was itself heavily inspired by a certain Stephen King book.

I hope you all enjoy these two new ebook stories, and please let me know what you think of them if you purchase this new book.

- B-Rex

P.S. Thanks for the feedback on the last post. If you all are really in the mood for some meaner captions, I might be able to oblige. I've actually had a lot of darker caption ideas that I haven't done much with, for various reasons. I'll see if I can finish a few in the next couple of days.


  1. Just read the ebook really enjoyed it

  2. Looking forward to reading the ebook and definitely open to meaner captions!

  3. Enjoying the book immensely though I do have one criticism: lawyers might charge a retainer fee up front, but for something like a malpractice suit, with a large payout, it's more likely they would take a percentage of the damages awarded instead. Pedantic, I know, but I have lawyer friends and relatives.

  4. This is your blog so you can post whatever floats your boat. That said I personally found the last caption a bit too much also a little unsettling to read and look at.
