
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Laying It On Thick

Hello all, and happy humpday. Sorry about not posting yesterday, had this caption finished and ready to go, but my internet has not been cooperative. I need to learn how to schedule things to post automatically, I guess.

Hope you enjoy it, I'm trying to finish a few more captions this week to make up for the captions I missed the last two weeks. I've got one finished, and am hard at work on a third, so as long as my internet doesn't go out again, they should be up over the next few days.

- B-Rex


  1. Hey, love the cap. I would love to see more lesbian ones, especially like this. Any idea for a sequel? Also, every once in a while I'll see a thing in the, you might like bar, that I'll click on but it'll say the page I'm looking for does not exist. Are they just deleted posts? Or is something wrong with my computer?

  2. I'd like to see a sequel, too, or at least another lesbian in straightened circumstances.
    I suppose that even if Jenna cleverly talks her way out of trouble (well, uses her clever mouth to get out of trouble), Dave will still get paid for his time, so poor Jenna will only have doubled the work she has to do (the number of 'jobs she has to do).
    Perhaps watching Jenna at work will inspire the nameless blackmailer to lend her out to others, and we'll get to see her serving yet more men, singly or in groups.

  3. This is a really good photo-to-cap match, and the forced-script aspect is fun.

  4. Reading this caption again, it reminds me of the last scene in "Goodbye, Columbus".

    I wonder if anyone else who comes here is THAT old....
