
Saturday, October 3, 2020

Happily Never After: Belle's Hell

Happy Saturday, everyone! 

Figured everyone was a bit burned out on transgender caps, so worked on this for a change of pace. Haven't done much magic transformations in a while, I think.

This was a weird idea I had ages ago, part of a planned-but-never-completed Disney Princess themed series of captions; all sorts of fractured fairy tales with bad endings for the lovely ladies. If there's interest in some more, I'll try to work on a few others.

If there does happen to be interest, any preferences for which Princesses need a happily never after fate?

- B-Rex

Belle's Hell

"Wha-at-is happ-un-ing too meee....?"

"Isn't it obvious, dear? You're becoming as wooden as your acting!" Lumiere chuckled, as the bratty actress's visage solidified.

Belle's immense dress warped around her legs, ballooning out even more than normal. Even as he watched, the already gaudily yellow fabric became even brighter as an almost metallic sheen spread across the yards of expensive cloth.

“Lu-me-aaaairrr!?!” Belle gasped, struggling to stand up as the rapidly transforming dress pulled her down, the fabric tinging strangely against the floor. “Wha-att diiid youuudootoomee?! Whyy?! I saaavved youuuu!”

The palace host smiled down at the woman, beyond pleased with his revenge. It was going far better than he'd dared hoped!

It had taken him months to find the fairy, lurking in some distant forest glade, imitating an ancient, wart-covered beggar woman, eerily similar to the form she'd once taken when his master had insulted her all those years ago. But the lengthy search had been worth it, he now knew with certainly.

Saved me?! You ruined my life,” he hissed angrily, glaring down at the rapidly changing young actress.

The bitch had appeared in their lives a year before, apparently getting lost during some vacation in the mountains, between films at the time. She'd be shocked to find the palace, seemingly stuck in time, unchanged from the castles that had once covered the land. She'd been even more shocked when she saw the cursed inhabitants, and had nearly ran away before they could explain the curse and how she could undo it.

The rest, as they say, was history. Or, at least, it would've been, if Hollywood had been honest. 

In reality, Belle's seduction of his master had gone faster than anyone would've believed, especially once she got sight of the treasure room. Or maybe it was the promise of a title once she married his master that had whetted her loins for the shaggy beast of a man? Lumiere had never been sure.

After she consummated her 'love' with the transformed prince, the curse had been lifted, releasing the palace back to the real world, and returning them all to their original bodies at long last.

Of course, once Hollywood got its grubby mitts on the tale, they'd made it into an over-produced period piece. Apparently the pseudo-bestiality angle was hard enough to get past audiences, without the addition of the literally centuries of age difference between the actress and her new fiance.

Things had only gone downhill from there; the movie made them all famous, and with fame, came a celebrity the peasants had never known. Some had taken to it better than others.

Lumiere sighed, remembering his love, his dear, dear Fifi, as she left him for that upper-crust toady from the English colonies! His beloved, scorning him the moment she returned to her true form, and jumping into the bed of the first rich, handsome man to catch her eye!!

He shook his head, and grinned darkly down at the transforming actress. Her flesh had hardened fully now, a wooden grain apparent everywhere not covered by the now solid brass dress wrapping around her hips. She was starting to shrink now, as the fairy's new curse rapidly finished.

“You should've signed that autograph, my dear,” he chided. “Even annoying fans deserve respect.”

He'd laughed when the fairy arrived, hiding her natural beauty under the guise of a bloated young man, begging for an autograph from his “favorite actress”. He'd broken out into hysterical guffaws when the infamously uptight actress actually spit on the fan's proffered movie publicity photo, and proclaimed, “There, go jerk off to that, creep. I don't have time to waste on every asshole who shows up wanting my attention. Besides, autographs are for hot guys, not fat incel losers like you!”

Just as with his master, the fairy had then transformed into her true form, and pronounced her curse, then disappeared in a puff of magical fog.

Now the young actress's transformation was coming to an end. Her skirts had hardened into solid metal, pushing her higher than her legs, until she was trapped, kicking futilely inside the brass skirt, unable to reach the ground.

The hard clangs of her feet striking the skirt died down suddenly, as her legs grew as wooden as the rest of her body. In a final surge of movement, her arms bent upwards, hands interweaving, and then she was stuck.

“EOHHH!!” Belle shrieked over wooden lips, as the magical energy rose within her, until her chest began to glow.

The magic suddenly erupted out of the actress, becoming a floating orb dancing around the palace ballroom, before it exploded.

Instead of forming into a magical rose, as it had with his master long ago, this time the residual magics turned into an giant hourglass, and the words “Find Time, Or Stay That Way Forever” glowed above it for a few final seconds, mimicking the fairy's departing words of warning.

Lumiere bent down, and picked up the wooden handle that Belle's torso had become, grinning into her small wooden face, laughing as he took in her final changes.

Her breasts, always rather small in his opinion, had swollen into a truly impressive set of knockers. Giving her a slight shake, he laughed again, realizing how accurate that description was.

Belle screamed as her new breasts bounced woodenly, clacking hard against her skirt and sending out a beautiful ringing that echoed around the massive room!

Lumiere sighed, staring at her body. Her new shape was all-too-similar to his lost love's, at least back when Fifi was trapped as a feather duster. Despite his hatred toward Belle, he could not help but feel a stirring in his loins:

Nearly three-centuries stuck as a living candelabra dating an animate feather duster had taken its toll on his sexual interests; he may have returned to his normal self, but his fetishes had not.

“Lumiere! You have to help me!! I've been cursed!!!” Belle gasped, struggling in his grip about her waist. Her struggles sent her legs shaking about, banging away loudly on her now fully brass bell of a dress.

He sighed; without the magic changing her, the tightness of her face had finally given way. “Pity, I was hoping you'd lose the ability to speak entirely. Oh well, easy enough to fix.”

She shook her hoop-skirt furiously, eliciting a series of angry clangs and dings.

"Careful, Princess, or you'll give yourself a dent," Lumiere quipped, wiping a bit more of the wood glue over the handle's lips. Belle glared up at him in impotent rage. “There we are, now no one will have to listen to anymore of that irritating low-English drawl of yours.”

Belle's wooden eyelids narrowed, then she turned her wooden head and looked up longingly at the slowly emptying magical hourglass. Ten years of sand was going to take a while to fall, clearly.

“Plenty of time for your true-love to find you and give you a ring-a-ding-ding, dear. If he can find you, that is.”

Laughing, he carried the distraught living bell out of the castle, shaking her hard, filling the palace halls with a loud, beautiful ringing melody, before finally reaching the outside and his cheap car.

He opened a small shoe-box-sized mail package sitting on the passenger seat, and tossed her inside the padded box unceremoniously.

Then, recalling the princess's love of reading, he searched the backseat for a moment, before finding the dreadfully tacky romance novel Fifi had forgotten there when she dumped him six months earlier.

He dropped the paperback trash next to the new bell. “A bit of reading material to enjoy on your trip, Belle. Don't read it all at once though, after all, it'll be a few months before you get to the Symphony. You did want to move back to Los Angeles, didn't you?”


  1. I just wanted to say that I loved this story and thought you did a great job with describing the transformation, and I really like the art as well, I am just kinda shy about commenting sometimes. If you did more in this series or tone I'd be on board (even if it wasn't necessarily a magical transformation, although it fits the subject matter well). But yeah really nicely done, pretty great transformation idea imo.

  2. Very sorry, B-Rex. I just wasn't able to read this right away, is all. Too many distractions and errands to deal with over the weekend.

    I've got to say, this dark ending was far more intricate than I assumed it would be. Lumiere's motivations, the new curse, and the re-utilization of both Belle's name and her "hobbies" for some great humiliation payback. It really had me pulled in by the end.

    As for additional princess suggestions, I'm actually not sure. Belle was the one princess in Disney's collection I expressly didn't like, literally opening her animated movie with a song all about how boring and worthless everyone else around her is, and the undelivered things the world owes her. That being said, I think I see some possible story angles that are up your alley. Ariel already trades her voice for legs, which opens up the gates for further "trading" shenanigans. Jasmine can fall victim to Genie (Djinn) mischief, which we know from plenty of past examples you have a knack for. Merida was rebelling against "bridal training" of sorts, used a magic cake to physically transform her mother, and ripped apart a "too tight" heirloom dress in one of the pivotal scenes. Maybe all of those things can be brought back on her head. And, although she's not a princess, Alice in Wonderland could provide a generous creative playground to utilize.

  3. Even though I usually find TG less appealing than most fetishes, I'm thinking of a certain thoroughly repugnant and well-deserving man who has spent years insulting a colleague for her Native American ancestry, going as far as to offer a million-dollar payoff if she would submit to a DNA test (he didn't pay off when she proved her 1.6% Native American ancestry - but as we now know, he didn't even have the money).
    Anyway, I could definitely see him losing half of his body mass in some painfully unpleasant fashion, after which his remaining poundage could be reshaped into the semblance of an idealized Powhatan "princess", forever forced to go by..."Pocahontas".

  4. Wonderful story! I think you described the transformation and hopelessness brilliantly.

    As for who else to transform, might I suggest Princess Jasmine? There is already an undercurrent of transformation magic in the original movie, just a shame Jasmine was never subjected to any of it ...
