
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

Sorry for the lack of new caps, this has been a very hectic few days. I've got immediate family in St. Louis, and spent all weekend waiting to see if I had to drive there and get them out. They ended up stuck there Monday, but we drove out Tuesday morning once the interstate opened after the first riots died down. To add to everything else, I pulled my back out afterward and am now hooked up to a TENS unit and full of muscle relaxers.

So, a busy few days. I was working on a sequel cap to Hijacked and might end up with a short series when I'm done. Adobeman also sent me an age-regression story I still need to post. I'll try and have it all soon.

Anyway, I wanted to make a new Thanksgiving caption, but I'm finding it hard to spend much time at my desk without straining my back. So I'm just going to repost my Turkeyday cap from last year. Hopefully you all won't mind too much, :-)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, hope you all are safe and where you want to be for the holidays. :-)

- B-Rex

PS. Just for some added fun, here's a few more suitable pics. Maybe you all can think up some fun Thanksgivings-themed captions of your own (or a sequel cap to the one above) and send them to me. I don't mind whatever fetishes you want to include, except vore/cannibalism, and so long as they are holiday related.

So this should be sort of a semi-official caption contest, I guess. I'll pic a winner if I get several entries, and make a personalized caption as a prize. Otherwise, if only one person responds, they get the prize by default. :-)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A caption idea (at least one) follows, but for now, please accept my sympathies re your family's situation and also your back's.
    Regarding the latter, there is little bad I can say about my experiences with a TENS unit. It is a lifesaver for prolonged, let alone chronic, back pain.
    Regarding the former, did you see Neil Gaiman's Tweet in which he linked to Alistair Cooke's observations on why Britain did away with the institution of the grand jury? In both infamous cases, the root of the problem lies in the grand jury being entirely the prosecutor's creature.

  3. Here you are, Rex:

    Hope you like it.

    1. Ooh, very fun little caption you have there! :-) Exactly the sort of thing I was looking for. So far you're the only person to send me a cap for this little impromptu contest, so you are in the lead by default at the moment. ;-) I'll wait a few more days, see if anyone else sends in a caption. Otherwise, it looks like I'll be owing you a prize cap!

      - B-Rex

    2. Good one DP. :) I'm working on one myself, but I'm a little tied up with family this weekend just like B-Rex. I'll try to have it done by sometime on Monday/Tuesday.

    3. Glad to hear it, Meisa! :-) I'll keep the contest open for the rest of the week, maybe give everyone some time to finish their caps. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

      - B-Rex

  4. Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving despite everything that has gone on. Sorry your family, and yourself, have had such a difficult time and sorry to hear about your back.

    I'm afraid I have no idea how to caption but using the same picture as Dr Pyscho, my suggested text would be: As she prepared for another boring family Thanksgiving, she had decided to have a little fun the night before. She dressed up and went out to party, getting very drunk and very very rude. Thinking it would be a lark, she took a treasured head-dress from her host and used it mock his heritage. The next day, she wished with all her heart to be with her family rather then stuck out in the Reservation wearing nothing but a headdress as the local TV network did a live show about Native Americans on Thanksgiving.

    For the last picture: She had cheated on her husband and confessed to her best friend who advised her to use Thanksgiving to make it up to him. Not daring to confess to her husband, she asked her friend for ideas... Now she lay there, naked and being used as a plate while her best friend flirted with her husband and her friend claimed she had given him the right to sleep with her, unable to say anything for fear of the truth being revealed.

    1. Thanks for the caps, I'll probably post these as finished caps along with Dr Psycho's and Meisa's when it's done. And anyone else's, of course.

      - B-Rex

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The first photo caught my eye, so I made a late entry for the contest. Fair warning: my particular kink is transgender transformation.

    1. Thank you for the entry! I've got no problem with a TG caption, of course. You've taken your cap in a different direction than I might have thought, but I like it.

      {Witches at Thanksgiving, hmm...that poor holiday can't catch a break. :-D }

    2. Well Halloween is over now so witches were on discount : )

  7. Can you do,similar to this with the food thing or a follow up to this post its awesome
