
Friday, April 1, 2016

Prank War Redux: Spring Break

Happy Friday everyone! And boy, do I have a surprise for you!

Been working on this new series for a while now, not sure how long it will be, at least 6 or 7 prank captions, but I have lots of ideas and if I can find the right pictures to fit them, there will be more.

Some of these ideas, and even some of the pictures I'll be using, came from Bondage Barbie Doll, who is a huge fan of my original Sorority Prank War Saga.

Anyway, I'll be putting the caps after the break, so either click the "Read More" link or click the picture to open the full post.

I've been bogged down with taxes lately, but now that that is dealt with, and my property loan is sorted out, and my blacksmith course is completed (I made a very derpy-looking hook, btw), I should finally be getting more done this new month.

Be sure to let me (and Barbie) know what you think of the new caps and have a fun April.

- B-Rex

Just kidding!! April Fools!!

But don't worry, I do have several new captions for you all to enjoy, one by me, one by Barbie, and a two-parter that we both worked on. These all have an Easter theme, though I'm a few days late.

First up is Sweet & Sour, a much-belated sequel to my old Tinked Off and Sourpuss captions. This one has a bit of an age-regression twist, on top of the transgender angle. I think this is my first TG/AR caption, but I might be forgetting something. Anyway, sorry about the size, I just couldn't get it any smaller without cutting a lot of the text.

Next up is Barbie's sequel to her Beaverhole Academy caps

And last, but not least, is a two-parter that both Barbie and I worked on together, introducing yet another incarnation of 'Barbie', this time as a Mayoral candidate in Beaverhole.

Hope you all enjoyed these caps, and that they sort-of make up for the lack of new material from me this past month. Hopefully, with everything settling down a bit at last, I can finally get to work on writing and captioning like I used to.

And again, please let Barbie and I know what you thought of the new caps, and have a fun April. Sorry about the trick.

- B-Rex


  1. Great new caps but Im still gonna hate you for getting me excited like that ;)

  2. Hehe well done on the April Fool B-Rex! My academy one isn't quite a sequel, more an Easter special, the sequel is still being redone at the moment, hope to have it finished soon! And great continuation of your TG caps :)

  3. And hope everyone is keeping all my alter egos straight in their heads...... GRIN

  4. Good April Fools. Hope you and Barbie both have a happy Easter.

    Enjoyed the caps, wicked twist at the end of Sweet and Sour. I do enjoy Beaverhole academy and how they twist things against their new teacher lie the costume. I enjoyed guessing how the Mayor's plan would go wrong but didn't predict that, was a fun twist.

    1. Not Mayor Yet mackaie, just starting to campaign ;)
      Glad you liked the Caps!

  5. Haha, what a cruel joke, I love it! Especially since the related images tab on the bottom works so beautifully with your ruse; you and Barbie really made me laugh.

    In terms of the content provided, once again you both did an excellent job. The Easter egg hunt was probably my favorite - I really love the idea of a simple error causing such a major issue. It reminded me of one of a couple captions I really enjoyed here, such as the Backfired series, where the embarrassment is built up with wonderful pacing. Great work! The BA sequel was nice as well - I'm a sucker for Easter egg hunts, haha. I loved the brief mention of the vibrator, giving us just enough details to get a really pleasant image of what Barbie was going through. Also, what an awesome image!

    And hey, total blast from the past in terms of the Tinked Off/Sourpuss sequel. I'm not a huge fan of the subject matter, but once again, your execution is superb. Very crisp, clear images and sounds accompany the writing, and you really get a sense of the humiliation the character is feeling. Once again having a different candy is a nice touch, and something I really enjoyed. Also, I'm embarrassed to admit that since I read these in reverse order, I initially thought that this was actually a followup to the mayor's easter egg hunt caption, what with the two hundred+ guests. Really fantastic work, you both totally nailed your captions.

  6. Cant wait for a new book to come out!

  7. Okay, Rex, you're forgiven, but if you're going to pull something like that on April 1st, 2017, the joke had better be something more along the lines of an apology that you only have one caption to offer, and then there are a dozen more below the fold.

    1. Oh, you never know, my "joke" might have a second punchline, and this is all just set-up.

      - B-Rex

    2. Your joke has a second punchline? Thats what he said.....
