Greetings all! I'm finally back with a new caption, after half a year. So sorry for this long hiatus, I never expected to be gone so long. I should've posted something way before now, I just didn't want to post without a new caption or story, and I haven't been able to write in ages now.
My health issues have been one and off again, my kidney infections keep coming back as soon as I run out of antibiotics, and I've had some other real-life issues these past few months (I just rebuilt a roof for my parents' house during June and July, still have a bit left on that project) that have also been massive distractions. I've barely been online this whole year now.
But enough of my excuses, here's the new caption, a weird little sci-fi idea I had ages ago during a rewatch of some old tv shows (Sliders and Stargate, specifically):