Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Here's a quick cap, that's a bit...well, mean, I guess.

Also, progress on Ro-Sham-Bimbo 2 continues. I'm around 13,000 words at the moment, should probably end up around the 20K mark. So a bit longer than the first RSB ebook. Thanks for being patient, everyone.

- B-Rex


  1. hey I was wondering if you were still planning on doing a continuation of the I Randy-bot captions. I really liked it and I was hoping to see more, thanks.

  2. Happy to hear the progress on RSB.

  3. Yep, that's mean, all right. :-D

  4. Mean (as warned) but well written and delivered, nice twist at the end.

  5. Some very mean "means"...but can't argue with the fantastic "ends".

  6. That's the first time I really felt pitty for the character of you captions. Poor girl =)

  7. Normally, I don't take an interest in a scenario of a woman suffering, unless she has at least in some small way brought it on herself. This poor girl's only crime was naivete, and she is suffering quite horribly for it.
    Also, it's (I think intentionally) much closer to real life than most of your captions, Rex -- men really do manipulate women solely for the pleasure of deceiving them.
    So I have all sorts of reasons not to like this, but I do. Go figure. It must be your writing talent (no, this is not sarcasm).


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