Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!! :-)
I'd hoped to have a few holiday-themed captions for you all, but that isn't going to happen right now. Way too many people in my home at the moment to get anything finished. But I will try to get a few caps up by this weekend; I just need to find a few minutes alone so I can work without being interrupted.
So instead, here's a new ponygirl caption I made a few days ago. I really like the picture, but I'm not really satisfied with the caption I came up with. I put it in my reject pile, planning to rewrite it later when I have more piece and quiet.
But I figure even a poor caption is better than no caption at all, so you get it a bit sooner than I'd planned. Not the best present, I know, but I hope you get some enjoyment out of it anyway.
Have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! :-)
- B-Rex
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Recruitment Doll Continues
Wow, what a busy week! Sorry about the sudden hiatus, I've been slammed with a lot of developments recently. Most importantly, I'm now unemployed. Which isn't as bad as it sound actually, but has taken up a lot of my free time thanks to job interviews and some annoying last-minute paperwork. And I still need to get insurance from somewhere.
Anyway, I've also been seriously hit with a bit of writer's block; or rather, captioner's block. I have tons of stories I've been working on lately, but all of the caption's I try to write just hit a snag and stop dead after a few hundred words. I've thrown out at least 6 new caps this past week, because I couldn't figure out how to end them properly.
I'm not entirely happy with these two caps either, but I've left things open for more later when my block cracks. Still lots of potential here, I think. Maybe even a proper story or two.
And don't forget to check out my new story over at Humbled Harlots! :-)
- B-Rex
Anyway, I've also been seriously hit with a bit of writer's block; or rather, captioner's block. I have tons of stories I've been working on lately, but all of the caption's I try to write just hit a snag and stop dead after a few hundred words. I've thrown out at least 6 new caps this past week, because I couldn't figure out how to end them properly.
I'm not entirely happy with these two caps either, but I've left things open for more later when my block cracks. Still lots of potential here, I think. Maybe even a proper story or two.
And don't forget to check out my new story over at Humbled Harlots! :-)
- B-Rex
Lip Injection,
Reduced Status,
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Recruitment Doll
I started writing these two caps at the same time as my Tessa's Nightmare series, and actually finished the first one. That's why the first cap reuses a picture from the TN set. I hope that doesn't bother anyone.
In any case, I rather like the setup in these, and I can easily imagine numerous directions to continue this in the future. I'll have to look in my picture archive for more Taylor Wane pics, and see if anything sparks my interest. I have a basic idea for the next few caps, I just need the right pic.
On another note, Amazon has decided to kill yet another of my ebooks, this time it's Angela's Last Resort. Ugh. Oddly though, the other two ebooks in the series haven't been culled yet.
So far Amazon has culled three of my books, and all three had the phrase "Forced Orgasms" somewhere in the synopsis. So I think that is what is actually drawing their attention. I've removed the "Forced" and resubmitted the story, so now hopefully it'll fly past their censors and be back for sale in another day or so.
Anyway, moving on from there: I've had some major shifts in my real-life schedule lately, and I'm planning some changes soon. I'll lay the basic idea out tomorrow on the sister blog, Humbled Harlots, along with a brand-new, free short story involving a television game show built around extreme breast expansion. So I'll see you all there tomorrow! :-)
- B-Rex
In any case, I rather like the setup in these, and I can easily imagine numerous directions to continue this in the future. I'll have to look in my picture archive for more Taylor Wane pics, and see if anything sparks my interest. I have a basic idea for the next few caps, I just need the right pic.
On another note, Amazon has decided to kill yet another of my ebooks, this time it's Angela's Last Resort. Ugh. Oddly though, the other two ebooks in the series haven't been culled yet.
So far Amazon has culled three of my books, and all three had the phrase "Forced Orgasms" somewhere in the synopsis. So I think that is what is actually drawing their attention. I've removed the "Forced" and resubmitted the story, so now hopefully it'll fly past their censors and be back for sale in another day or so.
Anyway, moving on from there: I've had some major shifts in my real-life schedule lately, and I'm planning some changes soon. I'll lay the basic idea out tomorrow on the sister blog, Humbled Harlots, along with a brand-new, free short story involving a television game show built around extreme breast expansion. So I'll see you all there tomorrow! :-)
- B-Rex
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Guest Post: Barbie's Pledge Games 1 by Bondage_Barbie_Doll
Merry Humpday, everyone! :-)
Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been (quite literally) buried under a blizzard since Thursday. Three inches of ice and sleet, and a good foot of snow to top it all off. And more again just yesterday too!
My internet connection has been off-and-on ever since, but on the plus side, all this downtime has finally given me enough free time to finish a new ebook, Another Hospital Nightmare. It originally started out as an extended written version of my Ward 7 caption series, but spiraled into something a bit different.
It's a sort-of sequel to Her Hospital Nightmare, but with totally different characters, a lot of speculum-play, some hair removal and a piercing, and even fiberglass cast bondage too! Full links will be posted at my author blog, Humbled Harlots.
But enough about all that, today I am proud to post a guest caption from a brand new contributor, Bondage_Barbie_Doll. She's been helping me come up with ideas for new caps for a while now, and has finally caught the caption bug herself! :-)
Barbie's a big fan of bimbos and predicament bondage scenarios, and she really enjoyed my whole Pledge War Saga from 2012, especially Peezy. So much so, in fact, that she wants to start her own series of Pledge-themed captions, starring herself in the titular role.
This first caption sets up the fun pledge games to follow. Barbie says she hopes to make more caps soon, when she finds the time.
She and I have discussed several ideas for rigged games the EZ's and GEK's might force Barbie to play, but I'm sure she'd love to hear your own ideas. So if you like this cap, please comment and let her know. (Your comments might just persuade her to make more caps, and sooner too!)
- B-Rex
Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been (quite literally) buried under a blizzard since Thursday. Three inches of ice and sleet, and a good foot of snow to top it all off. And more again just yesterday too!
My internet connection has been off-and-on ever since, but on the plus side, all this downtime has finally given me enough free time to finish a new ebook, Another Hospital Nightmare. It originally started out as an extended written version of my Ward 7 caption series, but spiraled into something a bit different.
It's a sort-of sequel to Her Hospital Nightmare, but with totally different characters, a lot of speculum-play, some hair removal and a piercing, and even fiberglass cast bondage too! Full links will be posted at my author blog, Humbled Harlots.
But enough about all that, today I am proud to post a guest caption from a brand new contributor, Bondage_Barbie_Doll. She's been helping me come up with ideas for new caps for a while now, and has finally caught the caption bug herself! :-)
Barbie's a big fan of bimbos and predicament bondage scenarios, and she really enjoyed my whole Pledge War Saga from 2012, especially Peezy. So much so, in fact, that she wants to start her own series of Pledge-themed captions, starring herself in the titular role.
This first caption sets up the fun pledge games to follow. Barbie says she hopes to make more caps soon, when she finds the time.
She and I have discussed several ideas for rigged games the EZ's and GEK's might force Barbie to play, but I'm sure she'd love to hear your own ideas. So if you like this cap, please comment and let her know. (Your comments might just persuade her to make more caps, and sooner too!)
- B-Rex
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
What Goes Around, Cummz Around
Here's another quick cap, using a picture I originally planned on using during the Prank War, but never found a chance to work it in. This would have been either; GEK-girl Tabitha Kohls displaying her huge, lactating jugs for milking as part of her community service; or the Mayor, after losing her re-election campaign, stuck displaying her dancing tits in a rap-music store in downtown Beaverhole. I tried to keep true to my original ideas with this caption.
Speaking of Tabitha Kohls, I'm finally nearly finished with a new ebook. I'm still deciding on the title, but it is basically a sequel to Her Hospital Nightmare, my best selling story to date. It features totally new characters, and has nothing to do with a snake bite, but has a lot of forced medical play and it takes place inside a hospital, so it really fits as a general, standalone sequel. It will also incorporate some long-term cast bondage and some other fun medical play ideas I've been thinking about lately.
I hope you all have a Happy Humpday, and enjoy the new cap. :-)
- B-Rex
Speaking of Tabitha Kohls, I'm finally nearly finished with a new ebook. I'm still deciding on the title, but it is basically a sequel to Her Hospital Nightmare, my best selling story to date. It features totally new characters, and has nothing to do with a snake bite, but has a lot of forced medical play and it takes place inside a hospital, so it really fits as a general, standalone sequel. It will also incorporate some long-term cast bondage and some other fun medical play ideas I've been thinking about lately.
I hope you all have a Happy Humpday, and enjoy the new cap. :-)
- B-Rex
Name Change,
On Display,
Public Humiliation,
Reduced Status,
Monday, December 2, 2013
I wanted to put this up for Thanksgiving, but I couldn't find the pic I wanted on my hard drive until afterwards. So here it is, a belated Thanksgiving Day caption for you all. I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday, and didn't spend it like me, with a severe head-cold and sore-throat.
- B-Rex
- B-Rex
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Nom, Nom, Nom!
This is a "lost" caption I just found hidden away on my hard drive. After a bit of searching, I found the picture I was planning on using for it, also buried deep in my hard drive.
I figure I wrote this right around the time of my first Lori caption, from nearly the beginning of this blog. So this is a bit of a blast, from the past!
I hope you all enjoy it, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
- B-Rex
I figure I wrote this right around the time of my first Lori caption, from nearly the beginning of this blog. So this is a bit of a blast, from the past!
I hope you all enjoy it, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
- B-Rex
Public Humiliation
Monday, November 25, 2013
V for Victory 3: Red Alert!
Good news, all of my ebooks are back on sale at Amazon now! :-) Hopefully that whole mess has been sorted out, and I can get back to worrying about other matters.
This is the 3rd V for Victory cap, a bit more complicated than the other two, but hopefully you'll like it.
- B-Rex
This is the 3rd V for Victory cap, a bit more complicated than the other two, but hopefully you'll like it.
- B-Rex
Name Change,
Reduced Status,
Friday, November 22, 2013
Alert: Ebook Problems
Just an FYI:
Yesterday I received an email from Amazon's Kindle Publishing department, informing me that two of my ebooks have been found in violation of Amazon's content guidelines and have been depublished. (For a laugh, you can read them here: Guidelines) The two ebooks that have been pulled are Lights, Camera, Anal! and Angela's Last Resort 3.
This erotica ebook purging has been going on at Amazon and Kobo for several weeks now, and this is the first time they have hit me. I was hopeful that I would fall through the cracks, but apparently not. With any luck, they won't purge any more of my titles, but who knows?
I am reading a few blog posts by other writers, to see what I can do to fix this problem. As I have no idea exactly why they were pulled (the aforementioned email only points to the content guidelines link above) I am not sure what I have to change, but I will work on the covers and descriptions, and resubmit both. Hopefully they will be back up and published in a day or two.
For now though, both are still available at the following links:
Yesterday I received an email from Amazon's Kindle Publishing department, informing me that two of my ebooks have been found in violation of Amazon's content guidelines and have been depublished. (For a laugh, you can read them here: Guidelines) The two ebooks that have been pulled are Lights, Camera, Anal! and Angela's Last Resort 3.
This erotica ebook purging has been going on at Amazon and Kobo for several weeks now, and this is the first time they have hit me. I was hopeful that I would fall through the cracks, but apparently not. With any luck, they won't purge any more of my titles, but who knows?
I am reading a few blog posts by other writers, to see what I can do to fix this problem. As I have no idea exactly why they were pulled (the aforementioned email only points to the content guidelines link above) I am not sure what I have to change, but I will work on the covers and descriptions, and resubmit both. Hopefully they will be back up and published in a day or two.
For now though, both are still available at the following links:

Lights, Camera, Anal!
Barnes & Noble Link: HERE
Smashwords Link: HERE

Angela's Last Resort 3
At least in the case of LCA, I think the cover image is what set the censors off: too much skin. I'll probably just reuse a pic I've used on other books, and see how that goes. I'll fiddle around with the description too, try to make it a little less racy. Some keyword or other is probably setting things off.
I'm not sure about ALR3's cover though. I'll just resubmit, and use a bare-bones synopsis. Hopefully that will work. I'd hate to lose part of a series, that would make finishing the series rather difficult.
Hopefully this all works, and things go smooth from here. **Fingers crossed!**
- B-Rex, aka Tabitha Kohls
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
V For Victory 2 - Nerdification Caption
Happy Humpday! :-)
Here's a cap I've wanted to do for a while; a sequel to V For Victory. I've tried to incorporate a few ideas from the comments there, plus set-up some more possible sequels involving the GEK girls. I have a few pics that should work great for that.
I still wish there were more nerd transformation material out there; it seems like a largely unexplored niche. Though I guess degradation/downgrade stories are sort of similar.
Oh well, hope you all enjoy this one.
- B-Rex
Here's a cap I've wanted to do for a while; a sequel to V For Victory. I've tried to incorporate a few ideas from the comments there, plus set-up some more possible sequels involving the GEK girls. I have a few pics that should work great for that.
I still wish there were more nerd transformation material out there; it seems like a largely unexplored niche. Though I guess degradation/downgrade stories are sort of similar.
Oh well, hope you all enjoy this one.
- B-Rex
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Zoey Leaves Her Mark
(NOTE: A quick question for those of you who also run your own blogs: I've been trying to post this since Thursday, but I keep getting an error message when I hit publish. It gives no specifics, but only says "An error has occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again." I've been seeing this a lot for the past several weeks, but lately it has gotten truly annoying! Is anyone else having, or has had, this problem?
I've already tried clearing my cookies, have used other browsers, updated Firefox, but nothing seems to work. I just need to know if the problem is on my end, or if it is a problem with Blogger itself. Thanks!)
Firstly, I want to give a big thank you to everyone who has sent their well wishes about my dog, and for being understanding about this whole situation. Until things either improve, or reach their likely outcome, my productivity will most likely be severely shortened. Sorry in advance about that, I'll try to keep the caps and books coming as best I can.
Anyway, today's caption is another quick time stop cap, with a bit of body-modification thrown in as well. I hope you all enjoy! :-)
- B-Rex
I've already tried clearing my cookies, have used other browsers, updated Firefox, but nothing seems to work. I just need to know if the problem is on my end, or if it is a problem with Blogger itself. Thanks!)
Firstly, I want to give a big thank you to everyone who has sent their well wishes about my dog, and for being understanding about this whole situation. Until things either improve, or reach their likely outcome, my productivity will most likely be severely shortened. Sorry in advance about that, I'll try to keep the caps and books coming as best I can.
Anyway, today's caption is another quick time stop cap, with a bit of body-modification thrown in as well. I hope you all enjoy! :-)
- B-Rex
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Time 4 Revenge
Here's my first ever time-stop caption! Sorry for how wide it is, I probably should have cut-off the blond guy's head, but I sort of wanted to show that both men are unconscious.
Also, I'm really sorry about the lack of updates/new ebooks lately. I've got a lot of personal things going on right now, and I've just not really been in the right frame of mind for caps and writing. I have an old dog whose been slowly dying of bone cancer for the past three months, and it's getting worse lately. I've been putting off having him put down, because he isn't really in any major pain, but I know in the back of my mind it'll come to that soon. It's hard to focus on writing or anything much else, while those thoughts keep coming to me.
Anyway, sorry for being a buzz kill. Here's the new caption; it's based on my as-yet-unfinished Halloween Revenge story, though with a time-stop twist rather than the magical prank supplies I was planning on using for the story.
I think this turned out fairly well, aside for being too wide. I've a got a few other pics that might do well for a time-stop caption, so I'll look into making a few more of these. There really doesn't seem to be very much time-stop material out there, but I do find the idea very interesting.
Let me know what you think, and whether you have any cool ideas for further time-stop adventures,
- B-Rex
Also, I'm really sorry about the lack of updates/new ebooks lately. I've got a lot of personal things going on right now, and I've just not really been in the right frame of mind for caps and writing. I have an old dog whose been slowly dying of bone cancer for the past three months, and it's getting worse lately. I've been putting off having him put down, because he isn't really in any major pain, but I know in the back of my mind it'll come to that soon. It's hard to focus on writing or anything much else, while those thoughts keep coming to me.
Anyway, sorry for being a buzz kill. Here's the new caption; it's based on my as-yet-unfinished Halloween Revenge story, though with a time-stop twist rather than the magical prank supplies I was planning on using for the story.
I think this turned out fairly well, aside for being too wide. I've a got a few other pics that might do well for a time-stop caption, so I'll look into making a few more of these. There really doesn't seem to be very much time-stop material out there, but I do find the idea very interesting.
Let me know what you think, and whether you have any cool ideas for further time-stop adventures,
- B-Rex
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Emma's Fire - A Midnight Surgeon Caption
It's been a while since I did a Midnight Surgeon cap, so here's a quick one. It's really more a possible Midnight Surgeon caption, since he's never actually mentioned by name, but still...
- B-Rex
- B-Rex
Hair Removal,
Midnight Surgeon,
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Here's a quick, simple bimbo caption for a rainy Tuesday afternoon. Please enjoy! :-)
An a side note, I've also published another ebook bundle called Gender Change Collection #1. It's a collection of three of my previously-published ebooks; Gender Swap Revenge, and Wishing Stone Revenge 1 & 2. So instead of paying $2.99 each, you can pay $6.99 for all three, saving about $2 altogether. I've had a few people emailing me lately, asking me to make a few more discounted bundles, so this is for them.
I'm also thinking of making a bundle of Angela's Last Resort 1, 2, & 3, but I might wait until I've finished the series, and then collect them for one price. I'm not sure yet. What would you all prefer? Or is there some other combination of ebooks you'd like to see? I could do a best-of bundle, maybe, or a body-mod only bundle? Let me know what you all think. I don't mind putting things up for a discounted price, the biggest trouble is making up a new cover for each bundle. :-)
- B-Rex
An a side note, I've also published another ebook bundle called Gender Change Collection #1. It's a collection of three of my previously-published ebooks; Gender Swap Revenge, and Wishing Stone Revenge 1 & 2. So instead of paying $2.99 each, you can pay $6.99 for all three, saving about $2 altogether. I've had a few people emailing me lately, asking me to make a few more discounted bundles, so this is for them.
I'm also thinking of making a bundle of Angela's Last Resort 1, 2, & 3, but I might wait until I've finished the series, and then collect them for one price. I'm not sure yet. What would you all prefer? Or is there some other combination of ebooks you'd like to see? I could do a best-of bundle, maybe, or a body-mod only bundle? Let me know what you all think. I don't mind putting things up for a discounted price, the biggest trouble is making up a new cover for each bundle. :-)
- B-Rex
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Free Story: Tabby's Age-Play Holiday
As promised, here's the rest of my Age Regression story. Rather than just posting the second chapter, I went ahead, and posted both chapters, that way they'll be in one convenient place. All told, there is about 8,500 words here.
Again, this is not a finished story, as I'm not sure that I could ever publish it on Amazon, but I do have at least five more chapters planned out. And a proper ending. One day I might finish it, but I just don't know. Hopefully there is enough here to be fun and interesting for you readers, as is.
Please let me know what you think of it so far. I'm hoping to post a few captions again soon, and work on my morph series some more. I'm also thinking of making a gameshow series or ebook, not sure yet. Thanks for visiting, and have a good weekend! :-)
- B-Rex
Again, this is not a finished story, as I'm not sure that I could ever publish it on Amazon, but I do have at least five more chapters planned out. And a proper ending. One day I might finish it, but I just don't know. Hopefully there is enough here to be fun and interesting for you readers, as is.
Please let me know what you think of it so far. I'm hoping to post a few captions again soon, and work on my morph series some more. I'm also thinking of making a gameshow series or ebook, not sure yet. Thanks for visiting, and have a good weekend! :-)
- B-Rex
Corporal Punishment,
Reduced Status,
Thursday, October 31, 2013
A new Petplay Ebook, and a Free Ageplay Story!
Happy Halloween!!! (NOTE: This post is a bit long, but bear with me. And there is a free Age-Regression story after the break. - B-Rex)
This is my favorite holiday, but unfortunately I don't really have any great new caps to show you all. Lately my muse has been more focused on writing my stories, than captions. I've got tons of nice pics, but nothing I think of really clicks, or interests me enough to work on. Hopefully once I've finished some of the stories I'm working on, I'll be able to focus on caps more heavily again.
Anyway, I have managed to finish a new ebook, at long last. It's called The Billionaire's New Pet, and is based on my Pet series from last January. It's currently published on Amazon and Smashwords; Barnes & Noble had a problem, so I'm resubmitting it. Might be a few days til it's up there.
I hit on a lot of humiliating Puppygirl concepts in this new tale, but I think I still have enough ideas leftover to write a sequel, maybe even two. I reached a natural climax in this story, so I chose to end it there, on a bit of a cliffhanger.
I was hoping to finish a Halloween-themed story, but now I'm kind of stuck. I'll have to decide what direction to take the story, before I can finish it. Maybe I'll have it done in a few weeks, I don't know.
I've had a few requests over email for more collections, so I'll be publishing a few bundles of my previously published ebooks. Not sure which yet, probably my Angela's Last Resort series, though I'll have to redo the collection when I finish the 4th book.
Other than that, I want to publish a bundle of my shorter stories, like my Vera Purdee's Box of Doom story, and a few others. I might write a few more short (1-2K words long) stories, to add something fresh. And I have a nice bit of material thought up for a sequel to The Plastic Surgeon's Revenge, so that is definitely on the front burner right now.
Anyway, some time ago I started writing a long Age-Regression story, hoping to publish it as an ebook eventually. It would use a lot of ideas I've had for ages now, some of which I've touched on in my AR caps, and many I've been saving.
Unfortunately, after talking to a few writers, I've become afraid that I might not be able to publish it on Amazon, as the main character, while an adult, is pretending to be rather young. (For the same reason, I rewrote my Paddled! ebook to keep every character at least 18, to avoid violating Amazon's rather vague TOS.) Which is doubly unfortunate, because I think this story is one my best written to date.
In loo of publishing, I've decided to post the first chapter of this Age-Regression epic for free, as a sort-of Halloween present, even though it isn't really Halloween-related. I've completed a second chapter of this story, which I'll post Friday or Saturday, weather permitting. If I ever decide to finish this story, I'll probably have to delete this post, so read it now while you can.
I hope you all enjoy it, and have a fun Halloween! Story is after the break, FYI. It's about 4K words long, as is the next chapter. Enjoy! :-)
- B-Rex
This is my favorite holiday, but unfortunately I don't really have any great new caps to show you all. Lately my muse has been more focused on writing my stories, than captions. I've got tons of nice pics, but nothing I think of really clicks, or interests me enough to work on. Hopefully once I've finished some of the stories I'm working on, I'll be able to focus on caps more heavily again.
Anyway, I have managed to finish a new ebook, at long last. It's called The Billionaire's New Pet, and is based on my Pet series from last January. It's currently published on Amazon and Smashwords; Barnes & Noble had a problem, so I'm resubmitting it. Might be a few days til it's up there.
I hit on a lot of humiliating Puppygirl concepts in this new tale, but I think I still have enough ideas leftover to write a sequel, maybe even two. I reached a natural climax in this story, so I chose to end it there, on a bit of a cliffhanger.
I was hoping to finish a Halloween-themed story, but now I'm kind of stuck. I'll have to decide what direction to take the story, before I can finish it. Maybe I'll have it done in a few weeks, I don't know.
I've had a few requests over email for more collections, so I'll be publishing a few bundles of my previously published ebooks. Not sure which yet, probably my Angela's Last Resort series, though I'll have to redo the collection when I finish the 4th book.
Other than that, I want to publish a bundle of my shorter stories, like my Vera Purdee's Box of Doom story, and a few others. I might write a few more short (1-2K words long) stories, to add something fresh. And I have a nice bit of material thought up for a sequel to The Plastic Surgeon's Revenge, so that is definitely on the front burner right now.
Anyway, some time ago I started writing a long Age-Regression story, hoping to publish it as an ebook eventually. It would use a lot of ideas I've had for ages now, some of which I've touched on in my AR caps, and many I've been saving.
Unfortunately, after talking to a few writers, I've become afraid that I might not be able to publish it on Amazon, as the main character, while an adult, is pretending to be rather young. (For the same reason, I rewrote my Paddled! ebook to keep every character at least 18, to avoid violating Amazon's rather vague TOS.) Which is doubly unfortunate, because I think this story is one my best written to date.
In loo of publishing, I've decided to post the first chapter of this Age-Regression epic for free, as a sort-of Halloween present, even though it isn't really Halloween-related. I've completed a second chapter of this story, which I'll post Friday or Saturday, weather permitting. If I ever decide to finish this story, I'll probably have to delete this post, so read it now while you can.
I hope you all enjoy it, and have a fun Halloween! Story is after the break, FYI. It's about 4K words long, as is the next chapter. Enjoy! :-)
- B-Rex
Corporal Punishment,
Reduced Status,
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Run, Cheryl, Run!
I wanted to post this yesterday, but my internet connection was down. So here it is today, a chastity belt/ predicament bondage caption. This is largely inspired by the female chastity caps from the A Fork in Chastity blog.
I wanted to keep more of the original pic, but the cap got a bit long. Sorry about that. :-)
I wanted to keep more of the original pic, but the cap got a bit long. Sorry about that. :-)
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Her Dream Job
Here's another game-show caption. Much of the basic premise came out of a very helpful YIM session I had last night. It's a bit simple, but fun. I hope you all enjoy it! :-)
And I wasn't going to post this, but I know my productivity has plummeted this month, so here's a bonus caption:
I made this before the Ducked Up! caption in the last post, as I was originally planning on making a short series. But the cap just never really came out the way I wanted. The Ducked Up! ended up being roughly the same idea, but with slightly different names.
The series I was planning would have ended with the professor getting real breasts, along with her permanent duckface piercing, but whatever.
- B-Rex
And I wasn't going to post this, but I know my productivity has plummeted this month, so here's a bonus caption:
I made this before the Ducked Up! caption in the last post, as I was originally planning on making a short series. But the cap just never really came out the way I wanted. The Ducked Up! ended up being roughly the same idea, but with slightly different names.
The series I was planning would have ended with the professor getting real breasts, along with her permanent duckface piercing, but whatever.
![]() |
Just Ducking Around |
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Ducked Up
This isn't my best caption, but I wanted to do something with this morph. I like the basic idea of it. Pity the original picture was such low quality. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this.
I've got some ideas for more game-show themed captions, like in my last post. I'll try to get some made over this weekend.
Right now I'm trying very hard to finish a new ebook, a Halloween-revenge story. I hope to get it published before the 31st, but no idea if I'll be able to or not.
I'm also trying to finish a story based on my old series, Pet. I might just publish what I have, and write the rest as a sequel to finish it up. I'm not sure yet.
As for my Bubblegum Bimbo ebook, I'm thinking of scrapping most of what I have written already. On second thought, I think most of it would actually work better as part of a sequel to The Plastic Surgeon's Revenge, which I plan to write soon. I've got a few ideas to work in, forced exercise and more body-mods, mostly.
Thanks for all the comments recently, I really enjoy reading them. :-)
- B-Rex
PS. I've finished a short vignette I'll post on Humbled Harlots. It's under 1,500 words, but still too long to be a caption.
I've got some ideas for more game-show themed captions, like in my last post. I'll try to get some made over this weekend.
Right now I'm trying very hard to finish a new ebook, a Halloween-revenge story. I hope to get it published before the 31st, but no idea if I'll be able to or not.
I'm also trying to finish a story based on my old series, Pet. I might just publish what I have, and write the rest as a sequel to finish it up. I'm not sure yet.
As for my Bubblegum Bimbo ebook, I'm thinking of scrapping most of what I have written already. On second thought, I think most of it would actually work better as part of a sequel to The Plastic Surgeon's Revenge, which I plan to write soon. I've got a few ideas to work in, forced exercise and more body-mods, mostly.
Thanks for all the comments recently, I really enjoy reading them. :-)
- B-Rex
PS. I've finished a short vignette I'll post on Humbled Harlots. It's under 1,500 words, but still too long to be a caption.
Lip Injection,
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
Backfired 5: Fiona Finally Fitz In
I'm still under the weather, but I wanted to put something out. This will probably be the end of Fiona Fitz's series, but I might have some more in the future.
I'll probably do a few Halloween caps next, maybe a few more TG homages to Steffi/Brits caps.
Thanks for all the well-wishes in the last post, they are appreciated.
- B-Rex
I'll probably do a few Halloween caps next, maybe a few more TG homages to Steffi/Brits caps.
Thanks for all the well-wishes in the last post, they are appreciated.
- B-Rex
Public Humiliation,
Reduced Status,
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Update: Short Hiatus
Sorry about the lack of updates, but I've come down with a stomach bug of some sort. I hoped it would just clear up after a day or two, but now I'm really nauseous. Hopefully I'll be better in another day or so, and I can get back to captioning.
Sorry, everyone. :-(
- B-Rex
Sorry, everyone. :-(
- B-Rex
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Backfired 4
Fiona's breast enlargement fiasco continues!
I hope you are all enjoying this series; I expect just one caption to go now. I'll probably work on continuing Tessa's Nightmare next, or finally finishing the Princess series.
I've got all the pics I need, it's just a matter of writing all the captions. This caption, for instance, took no time at all to write, but forever to edit down to fit on this, and it's still far too wide. Oh well, I can't spend forever on one caption or I'll never get anything done! :-)
Also, I know it isn't everyone's thing, but I've got a big pussyface series planned for the future, once I've finished all the appropriate morphs. What I'm planning is a bit bizarre, but hopefully fun too.
And on the ebook front, Bubblegum Bimbo is now at 10,000 words, and climbing! I'm either at or just past the mid-point. If I end up breaking 18,000 words, I might try selling it at $3.99 just to see how a higher price affects sells. I hope that doesn't irritate anyone; I'd just like to experiment a little with pricing. At heart, I'm a data junky, massive spreadsheets and all. :-)
- B-Rex
PS. KS_1985 posted a wonderful morph and caption at his new blog, complete with a very cool (but big!) animation to boot! Please be sure to check it out, if you haven't already. It's very fun!
I hope you are all enjoying this series; I expect just one caption to go now. I'll probably work on continuing Tessa's Nightmare next, or finally finishing the Princess series.
I've got all the pics I need, it's just a matter of writing all the captions. This caption, for instance, took no time at all to write, but forever to edit down to fit on this, and it's still far too wide. Oh well, I can't spend forever on one caption or I'll never get anything done! :-)
Also, I know it isn't everyone's thing, but I've got a big pussyface series planned for the future, once I've finished all the appropriate morphs. What I'm planning is a bit bizarre, but hopefully fun too.
And on the ebook front, Bubblegum Bimbo is now at 10,000 words, and climbing! I'm either at or just past the mid-point. If I end up breaking 18,000 words, I might try selling it at $3.99 just to see how a higher price affects sells. I hope that doesn't irritate anyone; I'd just like to experiment a little with pricing. At heart, I'm a data junky, massive spreadsheets and all. :-)
- B-Rex
PS. KS_1985 posted a wonderful morph and caption at his new blog, complete with a very cool (but big!) animation to boot! Please be sure to check it out, if you haven't already. It's very fun!
Public Humiliation,
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Backfired 3
Sorry about the delay, I had to find a new picture for this one. I've got the next two already, so the rest of the series should be coming soon! :-)
This is mostly set up for the next cap, but you'll like where it is going.
On a different note, I'm about 6K into my Bubble Gum Bimbo ebook, not counting the 1,000 or so words I already posted here a few weeks ago. I'm probably about halfway through, but not sure yet. Hopefully I'll get more written this weekend, and can get it published soon. I'm trying to work in some forced bimbo-dialogue for Ditzy, just because I like bimbo-speech, especially when it is forced. :-)
Have a happy Saturday, everyone!
- B-Rex
This is mostly set up for the next cap, but you'll like where it is going.
On a different note, I'm about 6K into my Bubble Gum Bimbo ebook, not counting the 1,000 or so words I already posted here a few weeks ago. I'm probably about halfway through, but not sure yet. Hopefully I'll get more written this weekend, and can get it published soon. I'm trying to work in some forced bimbo-dialogue for Ditzy, just because I like bimbo-speech, especially when it is forced. :-)
Have a happy Saturday, everyone!
- B-Rex
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Backfired 2
Another day, another caption!
In this installment, Fiona visits a doctor, to pick her new implants! But can she find a way to avoid the surgery altogether? Read and find out! :-)
Hope you enjoy this one,
- B-Rex
In this installment, Fiona visits a doctor, to pick her new implants! But can she find a way to avoid the surgery altogether? Read and find out! :-)
Hope you enjoy this one,
- B-Rex
Public Humiliation,
Reduced Status,
Monday, September 30, 2013
Backfired Series and New Ebook!
Sorry about the long delay in new caps, I was finishing up Angela's Last Resort 3, which is now available for purchase at Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Smashwords, and Kobo. I'll post links in Humbled Harlots in a few minutes. As I said before, ALR3 turned out to not be the ending of Angela's story, so there will be an ALR4 sometime in the future, finishing the series. This one turned out to be a bit more anal-oriented than breast-oriented, but still has a lot of big-boob material.
Speaking of big boobs, on to today's caption. I've been trying to write this cap for ages, and finally figured out a plotline that worked. I've got several more pics ready, so expect this to turn into a short series this week. I hope you all enjoy! :-)
This is just setup, but more to come!
- B-Rex
Speaking of big boobs, on to today's caption. I've been trying to write this cap for ages, and finally figured out a plotline that worked. I've got several more pics ready, so expect this to turn into a short series this week. I hope you all enjoy! :-)
This is just setup, but more to come!
- B-Rex
Public Humiliation,
Reduced Status,
Monday, September 23, 2013
Mosquito Bites - 2 TG Caps
In honor of Steffi/Britney's return, I'm going to make a few tg/crossdressing caps. These two are the first. They don't have quite the economy of words that her caps do, and they aren't as pretty, but hopefully they share a bit of the same flavor as her captions.
I hope you enjoy these, even if you don't enjoy TG in general. :-)
Also, I had to work this weekend, but I've focused mostly on completing Angela's Last Resort 3, and I'm about 5-6k words into it now. I'm going to end up with a fourth to finish the series, but I think I'm just a few thousand words from finishing ALR3. So hopefully I'll have that ready to be published sometime soon.
- B-Rex
I hope you enjoy these, even if you don't enjoy TG in general. :-)
Also, I had to work this weekend, but I've focused mostly on completing Angela's Last Resort 3, and I'm about 5-6k words into it now. I'm going to end up with a fourth to finish the series, but I think I'm just a few thousand words from finishing ALR3. So hopefully I'll have that ready to be published sometime soon.
- B-Rex
Name Change,
Public Humiliation,
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Tessa's Nightmare 4: Permission
A new Tessa Office Bimbo caption, with more blowjob action! :-)
In light of Steffi/Britney's wonderful return at long, long last, I think I'll make a few TG/Forced Crossdressing captions in the next few days.
And of course work continues on ALR3, which is looking more and more likely to require a 4th ebook to finish the series properly. For those who have read ALR2, I've got a few ideas with the cameras that I want to play with.
In light of Steffi/Britney's wonderful return at long, long last, I think I'll make a few TG/Forced Crossdressing captions in the next few days.
And of course work continues on ALR3, which is looking more and more likely to require a 4th ebook to finish the series properly. For those who have read ALR2, I've got a few ideas with the cameras that I want to play with.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Tessa's Nightmare 3: Lucky Interns
A fun little addition to my Tessa's Nightmare Series, with more collagen-inflated action!
On a side note, I'm about 4,000 words into my ebook, Angela's Last Resort 3. I'm starting to feel that I might need to break this up into two stories, as there is a natural climatic scene I rapidly coming up on, and it wouldn't really feel quite right to keep going for another few thousand words.
So ALR3 might not be the finale I was expecting it to be; ALR4 might be necessary. But I won't know for sure until I get a bit more written, of course. I hope that doesn't annoy/disappoint anyone. I'm just trying to follow my instincts with this story as best I can.
On another side note, I've got pretty much all of my Bimbofication / Mind Control story, Front Desk Bimbo planned out now. All I have to do is finish writing it. I'm about 3 or 4K words done already, so this might get finished before ALR3. I'll probably end up changing the title to Bubble Gum Bimbo or something like that, as that would fit the key theme a bit better.
The tale I have planned is still very Downing Street-like, but more in his style than a copy of any particular story, and I think it works pretty well. Hopefully people like it, cause I'd like to write more bimbo stories like this in the future, they're pretty fun.
Hope you all enjoy the new caption, and have a fun weekend. I'll be working, unfortunately. :-(
- B-Rex
On a side note, I'm about 4,000 words into my ebook, Angela's Last Resort 3. I'm starting to feel that I might need to break this up into two stories, as there is a natural climatic scene I rapidly coming up on, and it wouldn't really feel quite right to keep going for another few thousand words.
So ALR3 might not be the finale I was expecting it to be; ALR4 might be necessary. But I won't know for sure until I get a bit more written, of course. I hope that doesn't annoy/disappoint anyone. I'm just trying to follow my instincts with this story as best I can.
On another side note, I've got pretty much all of my Bimbofication / Mind Control story, Front Desk Bimbo planned out now. All I have to do is finish writing it. I'm about 3 or 4K words done already, so this might get finished before ALR3. I'll probably end up changing the title to Bubble Gum Bimbo or something like that, as that would fit the key theme a bit better.
The tale I have planned is still very Downing Street-like, but more in his style than a copy of any particular story, and I think it works pretty well. Hopefully people like it, cause I'd like to write more bimbo stories like this in the future, they're pretty fun.
Hope you all enjoy the new caption, and have a fun weekend. I'll be working, unfortunately. :-(
- B-Rex
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Tessa's Nightmare 2: Injections
Still hard at work on Angela's Last Resort 3 (I've got the opening scene finished, a few thousand words or so), but I thought I'd take a break and finish another quick caption. :-)
- B-Rex
- B-Rex
Lip Injection,
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Guest Post: Tirelessly by Kimmy Foster
Happy Monday folks!
Kimmy Foster has sent me this lovely caption partly inspired by the Honeywell Academy first mentioned in my post Academic Leave. (I really like the middle image!)
On a different note, I've fallen a bit behind on my own caption plans. Sorry about that. Over the weekend, I had a bit of inspiration and finally started writing Angela's Last Resort 3.
I like to hit while the iron's hot, so to speak, so I've put my captions on hold for a short while, as I jot down the opening scenes. I'm not sure just where I'll take this finale, but there will be some focus on Angela's training sessions before she leaves the resort.
But rest assured, I'll be back soon! :-)
- B-Rex
Kimmy Foster has sent me this lovely caption partly inspired by the Honeywell Academy first mentioned in my post Academic Leave. (I really like the middle image!)
On a different note, I've fallen a bit behind on my own caption plans. Sorry about that. Over the weekend, I had a bit of inspiration and finally started writing Angela's Last Resort 3.
I like to hit while the iron's hot, so to speak, so I've put my captions on hold for a short while, as I jot down the opening scenes. I'm not sure just where I'll take this finale, but there will be some focus on Angela's training sessions before she leaves the resort.
But rest assured, I'll be back soon! :-)
- B-Rex
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Tessa's Nightmare: The Ride Begins and Ebook WIP
A new day and a new cap! And a short story after the break, too!!! This is the first in what I think will be a series of revenge/blackmail caps, with a focus on breast-related humiliation and some fun piercings. Though this cap works as a standalone, I think.
I'm trying a different layout for the caption this time, so please let me know if it is hard to read or confusing.
On a side note, this started out as an ebook idea I was playing around with before my surgery. I've actually wrote a bit for that book, but didn't really know where to take the story and stopped after a few thousand words. All I've got written is a basic setup. I'll post that WIP after the break, for those who are interested, but it isn't anywhere near to a real story, yet.
If this caption series goes well, I'll probably try finishing the ebook version, with a slightly different take on the basic ideas. I'm limited by the pictures I have in a caption series, but not with an ebook, so I can do some things differently when I'm writing a longer version as Tabitha Kohls.
Still, I hope you all like this cap, and those to follow. Hopefully the next one will be done for tomorrow. :-)
- B-Rex
I'm trying a different layout for the caption this time, so please let me know if it is hard to read or confusing.
On a side note, this started out as an ebook idea I was playing around with before my surgery. I've actually wrote a bit for that book, but didn't really know where to take the story and stopped after a few thousand words. All I've got written is a basic setup. I'll post that WIP after the break, for those who are interested, but it isn't anywhere near to a real story, yet.
If this caption series goes well, I'll probably try finishing the ebook version, with a slightly different take on the basic ideas. I'm limited by the pictures I have in a caption series, but not with an ebook, so I can do some things differently when I'm writing a longer version as Tabitha Kohls.
Still, I hope you all like this cap, and those to follow. Hopefully the next one will be done for tomorrow. :-)
- B-Rex
On Display,
Public Humiliation,
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Stop'N'Gape 2
A quick sequel to yesterday's caption; I found this pic on my hard drive and just had to use it. Most of the caption came from Meisa's comment on yesterday's post. I hope you like this, Meisa! :-)
And that makes three caps in three days; I'm on a roll! :-)
- B-Rex
And that makes three caps in three days; I'm on a roll! :-)
- B-Rex
Public Humiliation,
Reduced Status,
Monday, September 9, 2013
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Hypno Bimbo
Here's a quick hypnosis cap. I don't do a lot of mind control, but I've been working on a few new MC-themed stories and caps lately. This is pretty simple, but hopefully you'll all enjoy it.
In other news, I've started work on a new ebook, this one about the Midnight Surgeon. It isn't what I had originally planned (I posted an excerpt from that story several weeks ago) but will serve more as a platform to use some of my darker ideas.
I'm not sure when it'll be finished though, I've only just started writing it. But it should be my darkest story yet, probably darker than anything I've made, including captions. I've got a lot mean ideas to try out.
- B-Rex
In other news, I've started work on a new ebook, this one about the Midnight Surgeon. It isn't what I had originally planned (I posted an excerpt from that story several weeks ago) but will serve more as a platform to use some of my darker ideas.
I'm not sure when it'll be finished though, I've only just started writing it. But it should be my darkest story yet, probably darker than anything I've made, including captions. I've got a lot mean ideas to try out.
- B-Rex
Lip Injection,
Mind Control,
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
The Bitch's New Suit
Here's a nice tale of revenge, role reversal, and fetish clothing!
It looks like my "cap-per-day" is actually turning into a "cap-every-other-day", but that ain't half bad either. :-)
- B-Rex
It looks like my "cap-per-day" is actually turning into a "cap-every-other-day", but that ain't half bad either. :-)
- B-Rex
On Display,
Public Humiliation,
Reduced Status,
Sunday, September 1, 2013
About To Pop! - and a new Age Regression Ebook!
I've been working on this one for a while now, and I think you'll all like it!
The basic idea for this caption started with a comment I left on one of Alyssa's caps last year, and showed up again more recently in comments on this blog. I've tried to work in as many details as people have suggested, both in comments and through private email. I ultimately had to cut a few things for length, as this turned into a very long little caption, but I'm very happy with how it turned out in the end.
[I'm going to put this cap after the break, just to see if making people actually click on the post increases views and comments. And 'cause I'm mean like that! :-)]
Besides the new caption, I have a new ebook out, finally! It is called Paddled! and was originally posted here under the title of Trials of a Schoolgirl (it has since been removed), and is heavily based on my caption series, Ramblings of a Schoolgirl. Other links are available on my Humbled Harlots blog, found in the top right corner of this page.
It's a spanking/corporal punishment fetish story, with Age Regression and Reduced Status themes, and a lot of public humiliation as well. I think it is my best Age Regression story, personally.
The finalized ebook is a bit longer than what was originally posted here, a little over 14,500 words. Most of the content is basically the same, but I rewrote every scene, sometimes adding new ideas or removing stuff that didn't work. It's a better story now, I think.
I hope you all enjoy the new caption and the new ebook. Please let me know what you think of either, and have a wonderful Labor Day! :-)
- B-Rex
The basic idea for this caption started with a comment I left on one of Alyssa's caps last year, and showed up again more recently in comments on this blog. I've tried to work in as many details as people have suggested, both in comments and through private email. I ultimately had to cut a few things for length, as this turned into a very long little caption, but I'm very happy with how it turned out in the end.
[I'm going to put this cap after the break, just to see if making people actually click on the post increases views and comments. And 'cause I'm mean like that! :-)]
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Click To Open Post |
Besides the new caption, I have a new ebook out, finally! It is called Paddled! and was originally posted here under the title of Trials of a Schoolgirl (it has since been removed), and is heavily based on my caption series, Ramblings of a Schoolgirl. Other links are available on my Humbled Harlots blog, found in the top right corner of this page.
It's a spanking/corporal punishment fetish story, with Age Regression and Reduced Status themes, and a lot of public humiliation as well. I think it is my best Age Regression story, personally.
The finalized ebook is a bit longer than what was originally posted here, a little over 14,500 words. Most of the content is basically the same, but I rewrote every scene, sometimes adding new ideas or removing stuff that didn't work. It's a better story now, I think.
I hope you all enjoy the new caption and the new ebook. Please let me know what you think of either, and have a wonderful Labor Day! :-)
- B-Rex
Public Humiliation,
Reduced Status,
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Bimbo Date Night 2: The Morning After
Greetings! Thank you all again for the well wishes about my surgery. Thankfully it has all gone well, and I'm healing nicely, I think.
Now that my biggest distraction is (mostly) behind me, I'm going to try my "cap-per-day" goal again. Here's a sequel to Bimbo Date Night. Hopefully you will all enjoy it as much as the first caption.
- B-Rex
Now that my biggest distraction is (mostly) behind me, I'm going to try my "cap-per-day" goal again. Here's a sequel to Bimbo Date Night. Hopefully you will all enjoy it as much as the first caption.
- B-Rex
Friday, August 23, 2013
WIP: Front Desk Bimbo
Happy Friday, everyone!
I've been writing a lot these past few weeks, but I keep getting stuck. This is one of my more promising Works In Progress (WIP), a mind control/bimbofication story. I'll have to delete this post if I finish this tale, so if you're are interested read it now, cause it might not be here in a few days (or weeks).
I'd meant this tale to be more a longer version of my cap series Marvelous, but I'm a bit worried that it is too similar to Downing Street's Office Reversal, one of my favorite stories. So let me know what you think, please. This will probably be one of my next ebooks, if I decide to continue it.
- B-Rex
I've been writing a lot these past few weeks, but I keep getting stuck. This is one of my more promising Works In Progress (WIP), a mind control/bimbofication story. I'll have to delete this post if I finish this tale, so if you're are interested read it now, cause it might not be here in a few days (or weeks).
I'd meant this tale to be more a longer version of my cap series Marvelous, but I'm a bit worried that it is too similar to Downing Street's Office Reversal, one of my favorite stories. So let me know what you think, please. This will probably be one of my next ebooks, if I decide to continue it.
- B-Rex
Mind Control,
Reduced Status
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Alternative Midnight Surgeon Caps and News
Hello everyone! Sorry for the sudden absence, but Real Life has been intruding again.
I've been trying to make more caps and write more stories the past week, but nothing is clicking. I've got major surgery lined up early next week, and it's making me nervous, and that seems to have scared off my muse. I doubt I'll be able to post much for the next week or two, depending how the surgery goes.
So here are three caps I made for my Kimber Li series, but rejected for whatever reason. They aren't really part of the series, but they might interest a few of you anyway.
And an alternative two-parter caption. Though each could probably be standalone.
I'll try my best to make some more caps soon, but I'm not sure when my muse will return. Maybe not until after my surgery. :-( Hopefully sooner than that, though.
I've also started writing a bimbofication story, but I'm a bit worried that it is too similar to Downing Street's Business Reversal. I might just post what I've got written as a WIP, and get some feedback. I'm not sure yet.
Anyway, thanks for visiting, and hope you like these alternative caps.
- B-Rex
I've been trying to make more caps and write more stories the past week, but nothing is clicking. I've got major surgery lined up early next week, and it's making me nervous, and that seems to have scared off my muse. I doubt I'll be able to post much for the next week or two, depending how the surgery goes.
So here are three caps I made for my Kimber Li series, but rejected for whatever reason. They aren't really part of the series, but they might interest a few of you anyway.
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Alternative Caption 9 |
And an alternative two-parter caption. Though each could probably be standalone.
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Another Alternative Caption 9 |
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Alternative Caption 10 |
I've also started writing a bimbofication story, but I'm a bit worried that it is too similar to Downing Street's Business Reversal. I might just post what I've got written as a WIP, and get some feedback. I'm not sure yet.
Anyway, thanks for visiting, and hope you like these alternative caps.
- B-Rex
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Inky, Kinky, Beautiful - New Cap
Happy Humpday!
Today's cap is one of my rarest varieties; it has a consensualvictim protagonist! Though the caption has a bit of a cuckolding-ish vibe, so maybe there is a victim here after all.
Anyway, this is first cap in a long time I tried to stylize in any real way by literally making the caption fit the image; I think I haven't done this since maybe my first Prank War series, and maybe not even then. Though in hindsight, I think I should have started the caption above the woman's back, that open white area above her is a bit glaring.
On the Ebook Front; I've completed my next ebook, a gender transformation story about a plastic surgeon getting revenge on her cheating husband. Includes some extreme surgical changes, but not a complete sex change (Husband keeps his manhood, but it gets altered too). Between this new ebook and my captions these past few days, maybe my writer's block has cracked finally.
I would have had the new ebook up and running by now, but Amazon sent me a nasty email about the title for some reason, so I had to resubmit with a new title. And Amazon hasn't quite finished reviewing it yet. But sometime today it will be published, and of course, it is already available at Smashwords.
The title is The Plastic Surgeon's Revenge, by Tabitha Kohls. (The original title, that Amazon didn't like, was The Wife's Revenge. Which is pretty innocuous, by my standards anyway.) I hope you all like it. I'll post links on Humbled Harlots when I can.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this new caption, as much as the last two days' caps. Thanks for all the comments! :-) I'm thinking of making a few sequels to Bimbo Date Night, maybe even a quick series.
Also, I've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow and then work, so unless I make another caption today, there may not be a Thursday cap, but I'll do my best.
- B-Rex
Today's cap is one of my rarest varieties; it has a consensual
Anyway, this is first cap in a long time I tried to stylize in any real way by literally making the caption fit the image; I think I haven't done this since maybe my first Prank War series, and maybe not even then. Though in hindsight, I think I should have started the caption above the woman's back, that open white area above her is a bit glaring.
On the Ebook Front; I've completed my next ebook, a gender transformation story about a plastic surgeon getting revenge on her cheating husband. Includes some extreme surgical changes, but not a complete sex change (Husband keeps his manhood, but it gets altered too). Between this new ebook and my captions these past few days, maybe my writer's block has cracked finally.
I would have had the new ebook up and running by now, but Amazon sent me a nasty email about the title for some reason, so I had to resubmit with a new title. And Amazon hasn't quite finished reviewing it yet. But sometime today it will be published, and of course, it is already available at Smashwords.
The title is The Plastic Surgeon's Revenge, by Tabitha Kohls. (The original title, that Amazon didn't like, was The Wife's Revenge. Which is pretty innocuous, by my standards anyway.) I hope you all like it. I'll post links on Humbled Harlots when I can.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this new caption, as much as the last two days' caps. Thanks for all the comments! :-) I'm thinking of making a few sequels to Bimbo Date Night, maybe even a quick series.
Also, I've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow and then work, so unless I make another caption today, there may not be a Thursday cap, but I'll do my best.
- B-Rex
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Here's another quick cap, one of my very rare magical captions. Very anal oriented, though.
I'm going to try to post a cap-a-day, to try and jump start my muse again. I've got another one ready for tomorrow, already.
I've also spent the weekend pushing through my writer's block, and am now almost done with a new ebook. This will be a Gender Transformation book. The story is sort of a mix of my Princess Caption Series and the Present Caption Series, but with several surgical body modifications. Though it contains no tattooing or piercings, it's written along the same basic story structure as my Amy's Whore Makeover ebook.
Hopefully people will enjoy the transformation ideas, though several of the ideas were already involved in the aforementioned captions series. Should be up in another day or two, weather permitting.
I'm going to try to post a cap-a-day, to try and jump start my muse again. I've got another one ready for tomorrow, already.
I've also spent the weekend pushing through my writer's block, and am now almost done with a new ebook. This will be a Gender Transformation book. The story is sort of a mix of my Princess Caption Series and the Present Caption Series, but with several surgical body modifications. Though it contains no tattooing or piercings, it's written along the same basic story structure as my Amy's Whore Makeover ebook.
Hopefully people will enjoy the transformation ideas, though several of the ideas were already involved in the aforementioned captions series. Should be up in another day or two, weather permitting.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
As promised, here's my Giantess caption. This idea largely came to me in a dream, after watching an old Godzilla film one night a few weeks ago. It's a bit silly, but hopefully fun too. :-)
I just wish I had had another picture to work with, or a cool robot picture. The cap is (ironically) a bit bigger than I prefer, for legibility purposes. Still, hopefully it is still readable.
The cap:
And the original forced-perspective picture:
Hope you all enjoy, :-)
- B-Rex
I just wish I had had another picture to work with, or a cool robot picture. The cap is (ironically) a bit bigger than I prefer, for legibility purposes. Still, hopefully it is still readable.
The cap:
And the original forced-perspective picture:
Hope you all enjoy, :-)
- B-Rex
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
The Midnight Surgeon's New Toy, Part 10
Apologies, I meant to post this Sunday night, but it hasn't stopped raining long enough for me to get my internet connection up and running. I've labeled this as mind control, but it's really just a bit of brainwashing.
I really liked the picture, and I like sensory deprivation in general, so I thought it appropriate for a bit of brainwashing. Plus it sets up Kimber's future oral training.
Anyway, I've got a giantess cap to finish, might post tomorrow or Thursday, if the weather stays sunny long enough. Not sure if that interests anyone, but I had a strange dream the other day, and thought it would make a fun cap. :-)
On the ebook/writer's block front, I've had two ideas for new stories that I think are promising; one features extreme brainwashing (more in depth than in this caption) and bimbofication, that sort of thing. And the other story features Age-Regression via surgical alteration/body mods.
I'm not sure which I'll write first. I've started the AR one already, but only about 1,500 words so far, and I'm not sure how I can end it. Amazon has restrictions on what ages characters can be in an erotic/adult story. I'm a bit worried that I might cross some line and violate Amazon's non-specific TOS.
I am a bit worried that my brainwashing idea touches on a subject that Alex Streuth already covered in one of his dark tales. So I'm not sure if I should still write it, or not. I don't want to rip his idea off. Besides AS, I've not seen this technique in any other stories, and read quite a few MC stories.
What do you all think? Does it matter if two stories have similar mind control ideas, or not?
- B-Rex
I really liked the picture, and I like sensory deprivation in general, so I thought it appropriate for a bit of brainwashing. Plus it sets up Kimber's future oral training.
Anyway, I've got a giantess cap to finish, might post tomorrow or Thursday, if the weather stays sunny long enough. Not sure if that interests anyone, but I had a strange dream the other day, and thought it would make a fun cap. :-)
On the ebook/writer's block front, I've had two ideas for new stories that I think are promising; one features extreme brainwashing (more in depth than in this caption) and bimbofication, that sort of thing. And the other story features Age-Regression via surgical alteration/body mods.
I'm not sure which I'll write first. I've started the AR one already, but only about 1,500 words so far, and I'm not sure how I can end it. Amazon has restrictions on what ages characters can be in an erotic/adult story. I'm a bit worried that I might cross some line and violate Amazon's non-specific TOS.
I am a bit worried that my brainwashing idea touches on a subject that Alex Streuth already covered in one of his dark tales. So I'm not sure if I should still write it, or not. I don't want to rip his idea off. Besides AS, I've not seen this technique in any other stories, and read quite a few MC stories.
What do you all think? Does it matter if two stories have similar mind control ideas, or not?
- B-Rex
Midnight Surgeon,
Mind Control,
Friday, August 2, 2013
The Midnight Surgeon's New Toy, Cont.
Trying to bust my way through some writer's block, so here's a quick one. I'll try to have the next installment up tomorrow or Sunday.
As far as the ebook front goes, I've got a lot of stuff started, but I just don't feel like finishing any of my works in progress. I'm not sure if its really writer's block or not, but I just can't seem to concentrate lately. I just feel like I need to do something odd to flush my mind out a bit, before I can get back to work on these other WIPs.
I've got several unusual ideas, like Time Stop, or Inanimate TF, or even Concrete Bondage. Does anyone have an interest in that sort of thing, or is it all too weird?
Or do you have any other unusual fetishes you'd like to see/read?
- B-Rex
As far as the ebook front goes, I've got a lot of stuff started, but I just don't feel like finishing any of my works in progress. I'm not sure if its really writer's block or not, but I just can't seem to concentrate lately. I just feel like I need to do something odd to flush my mind out a bit, before I can get back to work on these other WIPs.
I've got several unusual ideas, like Time Stop, or Inanimate TF, or even Concrete Bondage. Does anyone have an interest in that sort of thing, or is it all too weird?
Or do you have any other unusual fetishes you'd like to see/read?
- B-Rex
Lip Injection,
Midnight Surgeon,
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